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Anyone wants to play?

I'm up for it.


Four months ago I wrote about a problem that has not been corrected.  I can't play when I press the code and "Connect" nothing happens .  trying on Mac

(2 edits) (+1)

im clicking the connect button and it wont work

i loved this game, it's so much fun to play but only missing thing is check point. 

Cute game! I had fun playing this with my friend, I just wish there were checkpoints :)


This game wont work for me. I can start it up with no issues but when I click connect nothing happens.


My friend on Windows 10 is having the same problem, though I play on a Mac and I'm perfectly fine.

I wish you put a checkpoint

Love this art style! I had fun playing this game with my friend. Short fun game 10/10!


Hi! macOS user here, I am having some trouble starting the game. It tells me that the application can't be opened. I am running macOS 10.15.7. 

(2 edits)

I see other people are having problems too  . Me and My friends want to play this game but unfortunately I cant connect to a game that Im hosting or any other game that is egtting hosted . I downloaded the 68x version that was made 7 days ago . Im on Windows 8.1 and its 64 bit . Does it have anything to do with Winrar or anything else? 

Hey, unfortunately we're not sure why this happens to some people. But with a 64bit windows you should use the normal WIN game version, the x68 version is for 32bit windows users! :)

Hey uh no need  to say this but my friend is actually dumb he got a virus from this website but nah this is virus free, I think it's because of the site where you download the games but lol

Hey, uh, not sure what you mean but is pretty virus free! wash those hands, stay inside, be safe friends.


This was a fun game! Love the art style

Thanks, glad you had fun playing!

 I tried to connect with a friend (me on mac, she on windows), but the room in the game did not start.  I don't know why, but we can't connect. What i have to do? 

In the x32 version (Not the MAC version one), there's a glitch that makes playing impossible for me. I can't even get in game after clicking connect, I hope that's not only me and someone else is also getting this error, I hope you fix this soon! And though, don't overdoe yourself by fixing the game tons of times, you have your time.

yep, I playing on mac too and i can't connect.....

Hey, we don't have a 100% fix for this one,  but if we ever find out we ll post an update! :) If you can, try to play it on a different computer or internet connection.

Yeah, new year eve's got me on a different computer, so I can't play any good games for now on, only some few pixel games/multiplayer games on with my friends, it's kinda hard being in a Intel Celeron you know =/

   Good luck fixing the bugs, I also wanted to say "thank you" about answering me, never got the chance to speak with a dev actually..

I tried on windows but again I could not connect. I hope after the update I will play...Thanks) 

for me, I had to click a lot, but I was able to start a game.


i loove this art, so sweet



how do the rooms work? like if i put "funy" and created the room, would other people put funy in the box where it asks you to make a game code? or is it local?

(1 edit)

yes, if you all write "funy" in the box you will be able to play together!


Good day. I tried to connect with a friend, but the room in the game did not start. What i have to do?

Hey, not sure, but maybe try to make sure the firewall doesn't block the game!


how can i fix it?

sorry i can't play, since i have 32 bit...

We don't have a 32bit version yet, but If we make one I'll write here! 

Thanks ::>_<::

Hey Its uploaded now! Just select the x68 version when you download it!



Nice game, you did a great job ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thank you, and thanks for the video!


A brilliant game, that gets more fun and more challenging with more players scrambling together in the scary witch's house. The game design excels in its minimalism. The music is essential and brings the characters to life. I shouted my pants off every time I played it, I couldn't help it! It's fun for beginners and experienced players alike. Highly recommended!

Amazing game dev :D 

Thank you!

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